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Version: v1.3.0

Taichi Dataclass

Taichi provides custom struct types for developers to assemble pieces of data together. However, it would be more convenient to have:

  • A Python representation of the struct type which is more object oriented.
  • Functions associated with a struct type (C++-style structs).

To achieve the ends, Taichi enabled the @ti.dataclass decorator on a Python class. This is inspired by Python's dataclass feature, which uses class fields with annotations to create data types.

Create a struct from a Python class

The following is an example of defining a Taichi struct type under a Python class:

class Sphere:
center: vec3
radius: ti.f32

This creates the exact same type as using ti.types.struct():

Sphere = ti.types.struct(center=vec3, radius=ti.f32)

The @ti.dataclass decorator converts the annotated members in the Python class to members in the resulting struct type. In both of the above examples, you end up with the same struct field.

sphere_field = Sphere.field(shape=(n,))

Associate functions with the struct type

Python classes can have functions attached to them, and so can Taichi struct types. Building from the above example, one can embed functions in the struct as follows:

class Sphere:
center: vec3
radius: ti.f32

def area(self):
# a function to run in taichi scope
return 4 * math.pi * self.radius * self.radius

def is_zero_sized(self):
# a python scope function
return self.radius == 0.0

Functions associated with structs follow the same scope rules as other functions. In other words, they can be placed in either the Taichi scope or the Python scope. Each instance of the Sphere struct type now have the above functions attached to them. The functions can be called in the following way:

a_python_struct = Sphere(center=vec3(0.0), radius=1.0)
# calls a python scope function from python
a_python_struct.is_zero_sized() # False

def get_area() -> ti.f32:
a_taichi_struct = Sphere(center=vec3(0.0), radius=4.0)
# return the area of the sphere, a taichi scope function
return a_taichi_struct.area()
get_area() # 201.062...


  • Inheritance of Taichi dataclasses is not supported.
  • While it is convenient and recommended to associate functions with a struct defined via @ti.dataclass, ti.types.struct can serve the same purpose with the help of the __struct_methods argument. As mentioned above, the two methods of defining a struct type produce identical output.
def area(self):
# a function to run in taichi scope
return 4 * math.pi * self.radius * self.radius

Sphere = ti.types.struct(center=vec3, radius=ti.f32,
__struct_methods={'area': area})